Monday, 8 May 2017

Narrative Theory

Captain America: Civil War

The trailer for Captain America: Civil War uses many narrative techniques typical of Hollywood Action movies. Applying Propp's character theory, we have a clear protagonist or hero in Chris Evan's character Steve Rogers/Captain America - although Robert Downy Jr. character Tony Stark/Iron Man is also a major character he doesn't quite fit the role of Propp's Hero. In many ways, Captain America is shown to be the stronger character and it is his job to help prove his friend is innocent that drives the narrative. Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie plays he Helper role as the Captains close friends. These well known character types quickly help establish the Action genre and allow audiences to understand the main plot within the two-minute running time of the trailer.
Image result for captain america civil war
The film's narrative is clearly introduced in the trailer and follows Todorov's theory of equilibrium. The state of balance is the character of Steve Rogers trying to get his friends innocence after being in mind control and hypnosis. The introduction of Tony Stark/Iron Man creates the disequilibrium - along with the fact that he is going against Captain America (His former teammate). The new equilibrium is not shown in the trailer - this is critical because even though a standard Hollywood would suggest that the main Hero of the movie ends up getting what he wants in this case getting his friends innocence , the audience have to watch the whole film to enjoy this resolution.

The trailer is full of Barthes' enigma and action codes. These are designed to draw the audience in and encourage them to watch the whole film to resolve their questions. The major enigma codes the audience will consider revolve around whether the team end up getting back together or if Bucky gets his innocence.   However, there are other enigma codes such as who are the new characters introduced in the movie for example Spider-Man and Black Panther. There are a lot of action codes in Civil War for example the massive airport fight scene of which a few seconds are shown in the trailer. This suggests there will be a reason which is good enough for them to start a Civil War this leaves audiences wondering what starts this ?

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